Who is a Bad Date Sheet for?
A Bad Date Sheet can be helpful for anyone involved in trading sex or sexual stuff for money, gifts, drugs or survival needs. You do not have to identify as a prostitute.
That includes couch surfing youth, exotic dancers, sex workers, adult entertainers, hustlers, AWOL youth, escorts, rent boys, call girls, people who are forced by pimps, webcam performers, porn models and actors/actresses, street workers, trafficked people, homeless and struggling adults, pro-Dom/mes, pro-subs, phone sex workers and more.
All ages, all cultural backgrounds, men, women, transgendered people, all sexual orientations - (str8, gay, lesbian, bisexual, not sure) all sides of town, if you live here or are just visiting, if you think of yourself as in sex trade or if you would never call it that, if you decide to do it or if you’re forced into it.
People get money from sex in many ways. We're not interested in labels - we're just interested in being helpful.
That includes couch surfing youth, exotic dancers, sex workers, adult entertainers, hustlers, AWOL youth, escorts, rent boys, call girls, people who are forced by pimps, webcam performers, porn models and actors/actresses, street workers, trafficked people, homeless and struggling adults, pro-Dom/mes, pro-subs, phone sex workers and more.
All ages, all cultural backgrounds, men, women, transgendered people, all sexual orientations - (str8, gay, lesbian, bisexual, not sure) all sides of town, if you live here or are just visiting, if you think of yourself as in sex trade or if you would never call it that, if you decide to do it or if you’re forced into it.
People get money from sex in many ways. We're not interested in labels - we're just interested in being helpful.